Friday, October 4, 2013

Counter for a short project (or a long project)

I have a poetry project on the go. A slow poetry project. I'm savouring it, enjoying every step as I observe, consider, write, consider, tweak, tuck it away and work on it again from time to time. There are a lot of worthy slow movements these days -- slow cooking, slow living, get-rich-slowly -- you name it, there's a "slow" for it. So many other things feel rushed. This pace feels good. It feels rich, like a soft, warm blanket on a cold day.

I'm looking forward to reaching the end, (if there is a true end, and I'm not sure there is -- can't a person tweak, add and delete in the digital age ... forever?) Perhaps it is better to say I'm looking to getting to the point where I can gather all the poems together, shuffle them around so that the theme, emerging out of the collection itself, is fulfilling. It feels like it is going that way. And it makes me antsy to rush ahead.

But I won't.

Hopefully the poems will fit together so a reader -- a slow one or a fast one -- can get maximum enjoyment from the poems -- even if the reader is only me on that day when this small project comes to a full stop.

Anyway, while I might be slow to produce a collection of poems, that doesn't mean I don't think it might not be fun to count the words: "one ring-a-dingy, two ring-a-dingies." And perhaps you might be looking for a word tracker gadget for your own project (you write faster than me, right?).

So here is one:

2171 / 8000 words.
27% done on my Poetry WIP!

I found the above tracker through a Google search here (I like it because it is simple yet customizable). There is a nice list of word trackers on this site if you're looking other options. The NaNoWriMoGraph is here.
PS - Google search took 0.36 seconds. That's fast.