Sunday, February 19, 2012

Click on the link below to see how kitties can help you get your daily writing done

Written? Kitten!

Short post because I gotta get back to my words, and the pictures of cute kitties. =^..^=

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Barry Eisler on the craft of writing

Solid info on how to get your writing work done from a Barry Eisler interview from

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Using Scrivener with other online resources

Literature & Latte announced on December 16, 2011 that an app for Scrivener is in the works. Hopefully this will be available in 2012. I found the following video by Nick Thacker discussing how he uses Evernote and Scrivener in his novel writing process.

Using Scrivener and Evernote to Write Your Novel from Nick Thacker on Vimeo.
How you you extend your Scrivener with online storage and notetaking?